We have a number of policies available at All Saints Multi Academy Trust.
Please click on the link to download or read each policy. Paper copies are available from the school office on request.
- Capability procedure for support staff
- Capability procedure for teachers
- Charging & remissions
- Child Protection Policy, including Safer Recruitment
- Complaints procedure
- Dignity at work policy
- Dismissal for some other substantial reason
- Disciplinary policy & procedure
- Drug and Alcohol policy
- Early Career Teachers (ECTs)
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) policy
- Educational visits policy
- Equality information and objectives – publications
- E-safety
- Finance procedures policy
- Funding Agreement
- Fixed Term Contracts policy
- Flexible working policy
- Governors allowance
- Grievance Procedure
- Health & Safety policy
- Leave of absence policy
- Managing attendance
- Managing organisational change
- Medical conditions policy
- Media Handling policy
- Pay Policy
- Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy
- Phonics
- Premises management
- Probation policy
- Quality environment policy
- Special Educational Needs
- Staff code of conduct
- Suspension and permanent exclusions policy
- Virtual attendance policy for trustee and governors
- Volunteer policy
- Whistle Blowing
- Working off-site
Data Protection & Privacy notices
- Data protection policy
- Privacy notice to Governors, trustees and volunteers
- Privacy notice for job applicants
- Privacy notice to parents and carers, use of data
- Privacy notice for school workforce
- Privacy notice for suppliers of goods and services
- Privacy notice for visitors